Katherine Boland's life and art practice is strongly informed by the natural environment. Incorporating non-traditional media and processes in her work, Katherine seeks to distil classical interpretations of the beauty of the natural world in an organic, abstract space. She often begins the act of mark making by subjecting the surfaces of her large timber panels to the transformative power of flame; using fire itself as a drawing medium. Processes of inscribing and staining serve to capture the textures and colours of natural forms. Layers of wood stain, Japan black and liming solution are stripped back and more layers applied until a lustrous depth is achieved.
In her Shape of Things to Come series, Katherine gives physicality to the Buddhist/abstract concept of impermanence and change .Juxtaposed textures, surfaces and precisely placed planes of colour resemble cross-sections of the Earth's crust, alluding to the eternally shifting, converging and diverging seismic forces that shape the planet.
Rather than present a factual reality or reference recognisable forms, Katherine investigates the dynamics of landscape and fabricates an illusion in which meaning is shifted and interpretation becomes multifaceted. Her works are emotional landscapes, aimed to sweep you in, to entice you to forgo worldly material concerns; to be quiet and contemplate a state of being.
Shop Katherine's magnificent art HERE!