Lovely to See You
Work On Paper
gouache, coloured pencil & ink on paper
26 x 26
"This glorious bowl is decorated in the Famille Rose style with a yellow ground and peony flowers wrapping themselves around its gentle curving form. It was auctioned through an auction house in New York expecting $2,500—$5,500 USD. It is from the Qianlong period of 1735 -1796.
A garden posy of flowers (roses, rose hips, lavender and aquilegia leaves) from my garden is arranged within the bowl and these are visited but a little Flame Robin. I love these tiny birds who visit our garden during the winter months. They like to sit on the wire paddock fences in pairs watching for tiny insects in the grass. It is always a happy day when I see the first red flash and know that they have arrived for the winter season."