Selected Exhibitions
2014 - 'The Arrival', Linton and Kay Galleries, Perth WA
2013 - 'Drawing; a Fundamental Liberation III', Linton and Kay Galleries, Perth WA
2010 - 'Let the Show Go On', Linton and Kay Galleries, Perth WA
2009 - Ronald John Neal solo exhibition, Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Seaforth NSW
2008 - 'Back to Dullsville', Linton and Kay Galleries, Perth
2007 - 'From the Waters Edge', Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Seaforth NSW
2007 - 'Venetian Suite of Watercolours', Temple Gallery, Sorrento VIC
2006 - 'The Devil's Garden', Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Seaforth NSW
2005 - 'West of Dawn', Linton and Kay Galleries, Perth
2004 - 'The Journeyman', Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery, Seaforth NSW
2004 - 'Peregrinator', Pollock Gallery, Richmond VIC
1996 - The Reconciliation (Mindscapes & Landscapes) solo exhibition, The Peninsula Church of England School Mt Eliza
Selected Awards:
2002 - 32nd Alice Invitation Prize, Alice Springs NT
2000 - Monash Graduate Scholarship Award
2000 - Finalist - The Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship
1997 - The Lucato Peace Prize, Monash University Faculty of Art & Design
1997 - Painting Excellence Award, Monash University Faculty of Art & Design
1992 - AMIA Album Cover of the Year: Noiseworks 'Love Versus Money'