In the studio with Natasha Barnes
June 24, 2021

Join Natasha Barnes in her studio and watch as she creates one of her expressive abstract masterpieces from start to finish!

Natasha is completely self-taught and has developed an incredibly profound style over the last 20 years of her professional painting career. Her paintings are inspirations found in her travels and her love for the rich African landscapes surrounding her life.

“I am consumed by painting. The moment I enter into my creative space a world different to the one now present emerges and I live in her embrace for those hours in front of my canvas. I work at speed and without interruption - believing that every brushstroke is a Journey, sometimes we get lost, if we didn’t the end would always be the same”

View Natasha's available artworks online here, or in person at Manyung Gallery Sorrento and our Mornington Art & Design stockroom.