Greg's current series of work explores journeys made during the year of the pandemic; a year when travel was not possible, and when we relied on memories, photos and images of journeys from the past.
"In my case, aside from photographs taken on board aircraft during domestic and international flights, I have often used a combination of satellite images, maps, sketches and scanned pictures to build up a combination on computer. The final image is then translated into a painting on paper, canvas or wood...and another journey begins!
This time, it becomes a physical journey as from a desk and computer it evolves to paint and an easel in the studio. Multiple layers of paint, cement, ground pumice, glazes, collage and raw pigments unfold. Some areas get sanded, scraped or blowtorched back to reveal hidden colours below. Some areas have transparent surfaces such as tissue or varnish to add more depth and illusion.
Each painting takes on its own life with intricate details that trace the journey of a river, ocean or a dried salt lake or billions of rocks that create amazing patterns from above. All of these journeys are based on places I have visited, whether it be coastal areas or our great inland deserts."
Exhibition opening Saturday February 20th, 11am - 4pm
6/35 Progress St, MORNINGTON, VIC 3931
0419 595 222
View virtual exhibition & available works HERE!