The Art and Interiors Show featuring new work by Janine Daddo and Dianne Fogwell

Manyung at Mount Eliza

4 October - 27 October, 2013

Official opening Friday 4th October, 6-9pm

The Interiors Show featuring new work by Janine Da

Feature artists include Janine Daddo, Dianne Fogwell, Geoffrey Carran, Rowena Martinich, Juliet Collins, Abbey Carrington and Wendy Jagger. One-off, hand designed home accessories will also be on display.

Artist floor talk will be conducted by Janine Daddo and Dianne Fogwell on opening night from 6.45pm

Images in Relief - Dianne will run a two day printmaking workshop at Manyung Gallery on 21st and 22nd October. Register your interest 0419 595 222 or

Linocut on rag board
80 x 110 cm
thread & fabric on linen
77 x 153 cm