Many would agree that 2016 has been a difficult year. The news recalls events of horror, our social media pages are filled with videos of sadness and emotionally, we are feeling drained. Where do you go for reassurance? Where do we turn to recuperate and regain our trust in humanity?
Artist Corinne Loxton provides her audience with an alternative view of the world, one that fills viewers with a satisfactory stillness and peaceful contemplation. When the world seeks to shock us into haste and stress, Loxton’s paintings peacefully protest for us to simply stop.
Loxton says that, ‘despite and even because of the craziness of the world we live in, I paint to create a connection with you and to inspire you to develop a connection with the natural world. Art enables you and me to know and cherish our shared humanity, to see the world with fresh eyes and to experience hope.’
Join Corinne Loxton on Thursday 18th August, 6.30pm as she discusses,
‘Five Reasons Why I Paint in this Crazy World.’
At Manyung Gallery Malvern, 8 Claremont Avenue Malvern.
RSVP is essential, or (03) 9509 8999.
Join Corinne Loxton and one of Melbourne finest pianists, Elyane Laussade for a collaborative experience with a recital, exhibition and fine food. For more information please visit