Lynne Bickhoff

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Lead Me A Merry Dance - Lynne Bickhoff

Lead Me A Merry Dance

Painting mixed media on canvas  
50 x 182 cm

My work is inspired by the landscape that surrounds me. I am privileged to be currently living in the inspiring Strzelecki ranges surrounded by forests, rolling hills and soaring ranges. Living in this beautiful environment I spend a significant amount of time in the surrounding forests. Each walk in the Forest has a different feel and mood to it. As each day brings changing light and conditions the sensory information that comes to me will transfer itself into the painting process. This is often not even intentional but is an unconscious process where it’s not evident until it’s revealed in the artwork itself. It appears like a conduit or a channel for the experience to manifest itself.

‘Bedazzled’ came about from a day of clear bright sunshine where the light bounced from each leaf, frond and stalk, this sparkling light intensified each colour and hue. This is reflected in the palette used and the movement depicted. Whereas ‘You will find me in the Forest’ reflects times where the day is more mellow and inspires a softer palette. Often in these cooler temperate rainforests that I frequent the dew will hang heavy on the foliage, making everything glisten. The leaves and trailing vines drip with moisture with everything lush and full of growth. The air of the forest is fresh, with the strong scent of eucalyptus, inhaling deeply seems to bring into focus all the beauty that the forest is offering. The shifting light filtering through the trees dances and entices the eyes with a myriad of patterns.

Taking time out of the day to slow down and observe the changes in nature as it cycles through the seasons is when I feel most connected to the earth and specifically the forest. Often observing the wildflowers and the pops of colour that jump out of the soft greens which gives rise to inspiration to use more vibrant colour in the work. I observe the colours in the bark and the variation of this as the year passes and what’s particularly interesting for me is when the bark peels away from the trunk and hangs off it in long sinuous lengths, adding to the tangle of shapes, lines and textures. I’ve found that my colour palette reflects what’s happening in the forest as the seasons change.

Listening to the birdcalls and the rustling in the undergrowth then fires up the imagination to wonder about the source and how these creatures go about their day. Whip birds, magpies with their beautiful song, lyrebirds mimicking other sounds make up this orchestra. The flitting shapes of the tiny finches that follow me along the path are all the company I need. If I’m lucky then a wombat or a wallaby will be seen, each day is a new experience. I often think about how as humans we are also made up of the same elements of nature and this brings about a feeling of a strong connection to the earth and its environment. I have a deep appreciation for all things natural and value the time I can spend amongst these beautiful forests that are nearby. My inspiration comes from these magnificent places that are constantly changing and so each experience in the forest brings fresh impressions to inform my work.

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